
Connor 元宇宙 2022-10-14 130 0


原因:教材的语法练习应该比较好的。语法项目根据新课标是基于单元话题的,也就是语法是单元语篇话题的延续,通过语篇发现和巩固。但这样做的教材实际并不多,主要是: 译林、沪教、外研、冀教,其它还是传统的。不过题目还不错。


我来想一想,这样的做法是不是要取个好名字呢—— 就叫大观念下的超大单元语法整合设计。开个玩笑了。

感谢项老师的公众号: 项脊轩英语 对单元语法的归类整理(需要的可以关注她的公众号)。



Grammar and usage

Passive voice in the past continuous and past perfect tenses

A Exploring the rules

Nicole wrote a blog post about the city half-marathon she took part in. Find the sentences that use the passive voice in the past continuous and past perfect tenses and fill in the table below. The first one has been done for you.

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as I found a shady place to rest my tired body. My cheeks were red, and I could hear myself breathing heavily as I looked up at the blue sky. When my breathing returned to normal, I reflected on what had just been achieved. Six weeks ago, my friends told me that a city half-marathon for amateurs was being organized to help raise money for charity, and encouraged me to take part. Despite my lack of running experience, I agreed. In order not to hurt my knees or ankles, I started my training very gently by running just one kilometer on the first day. Over the next six weeks, I gradually increased the distance I ran in each training session and also made sure to allow my body enough time to rest and recover after each run. Soon I was running distances I had never thought possible. The day of the half-marathon finally arrived and I felt well prepared. I ate a hearty breakfast so I knew I could get through to the end. I ran my race relaxed and confident, even though my limits were being tested like never before. I was happy to learn that a lot of money had been raised for charity. I felt really proud of myself, and my friends and I agreed to run in the next city marathon!


Passive voice in the pastcontinuous tense

Passive voice in the pastperfect tense

..., I reflected on what had just been achieved.

Working out the rules

• The passive voice in the past continuous tense is used to refer to an action being done at a specific time in the past. The verb form is “ (1) _________________”.

• The passive voice in the past perfect tense is used to express an action completed before a past time. The verb form is “ (2) _________________”.

B Applying the rules

B1Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.

1 It was an amazing achievement for a player who _________________ (injure) so recently.

2 The swimming pool _________________ (clean) thoroughly the day before the competition began.

3 He felt that his talents _________________ (waste) as a basketball player and was eager for a change.

4 Tom was told that his teammate won the race while he _________________ (treat) by the team doctor.

5 Photos of the riders _________________ (take) before they got on their horses.

B2 Jessica gave an account of her experience as a volunteer for the city half-marathon. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in the box below.

make train blow place carry cheer

After all the preparations (4) _________________, the exciting half-marathon began. Cathy and I waited patiently until word spread that the first runners would be arriving soon. As the tired, thirsty runners ran along, they (5) _________________by the crowds. Cathy and I quickly poured water into the cups for them. After the last runner passed, I found paper cups and plastic bottles everywhere. The litter(6) _________________ around by the wind as I bent over to pick up a plastic bottle. Cathy and I started clearing up. We were tired and wet with sweat but it felt really good to know that we had been able to help others.

B3Think about a sporting event you took part in or watched. Describe the experience using the passive voice in the past continuous and past perfect tenses.


C Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.

1 This interview was a follow-up to the one that ______________________ (conduct) two weeks previously.

2 It was so noisy that I couldn’t hear what ______________________ (say) on the phone.

3 I was still waiting at noon because no message of any kind ______________________(receive).

4 —You took a taxi to the office yesterday. Why didn’t you drive your car?

—Oh, it ______________________ (repair) because of a flat tyre.

5 Charles Dickens’s novels ______________________ (make) into many films over the past decades.

6 Despite the efforts made by both sides, the differences were too great and no agreement __________________ (reach) by the end of the talks.

7 Local residents were relocated to temporary accommodation while the construction work ______________ (do).

8 The price of the products went down partly because a new technique______________________ (introduce) to increase production.


chest /tʃest/ n. 胸部;大箱子

cheek /tʃiːk/ n. 面颊,脸颊

half-marathon /ˌhɑːf ˈmærəθən/ n. 半程马拉松赛跑

amateur /ˈæmətə(r)/ n. 业余运动员,业余爱好者;生手,外行 adj. 业余的

ankle /ˈæŋkl/ n. 踝,踝关节

gradually /ˈɡrædʒuəli/ adv. 逐渐地,逐步地

session /ˈseʃn/ n. 一段时间,一场;会议,开庭;学年

limit /ˈlɪmɪt/ n. 限度,限制;限量,限额;界限 vt. 限制,限定;限量,减量

marathon /ˈmærəθən/ n. 马拉松赛跑;马拉松式的活动(或工作)

chairman /ˈtʃeəmən/ n. (委员会的)委员长,主席;(会议的)主席,主持人

constitution /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn/ n. 体质,身体素质;宪法,章程

pour /pɔː(r)/ vt. & vi. 倒,斟;倾倒,倒出;涌流,倾泻;下大雨



Passive voice in the pastContinuous tense

... a city half-marathon for amateurs was being organized ......, even though my limits were being tested like never before.

Passive voice in the pastperfect tense

..., I reflected on what had just been achieved.I was happy to learn that a lot of money had been raised for charity.

Working out the rules

(1)was/were being done (2) had been done

Applying the rules


1. had been injured 2. had been cleaned/was cleaned 3. were being wasted

4. was being treated 5. had been taken/were taken


(1) had been placed (2) were being carried (3) had (been) trained

(4) had been made/were made (5) were being cheered (6) was being blown


Last year, I had the opportunity to watch my school’s basketball team play in the Basketball Regional Finals against another school. Our team had been trained by the best coach in the region and had a great chance of winning. Students who were interested in attending the game had been given tickets by the school. The game was held at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Centre, and when we arrived, the stadium was being filled by fans, the air full of excitement. Once we had been seated, we immediately began to cheer for our team. The first three-quarters of the game were nail-biting because our team was being defeated by a small point difference. As the clock counted down in the final quarter, our star player, who was being guarded strongly by the other team’s defence, finally broke free and scored the final winning points! The sports centre erupted into a deafening noise. Our team was crowned the Basketball Regional Champion—it’s a day I’ll always remember.



1. had been conducted 2. was being said

3. had been received 4. was being repaired

5. have been made 6. had been reached

7. was being done 8. had been introduced


Using Language

Present perfect continuous

1.Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions.

a Wild animals such as these Tibetan antelopes have now been usingthese passages for years.

b … before I know it, we have reachedTanggula Station.

1 Which of these statements are true about sentence (a)?

(1) Wild animals started using these passages in the past.

(2) Wild animals used these passages only once.

(3) Wild animals still use these passages now.

2 What is the difference between the expressions in bold in sentences (a) and (b)?

Now look for more sentences with the present perfect continuous tense in the reading passage, and summarise its use in your own words.

2.Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I (1) ___________ (hear) a strange sound for a while. It’s a deep, loud roar, like a lion’s. But there aren’t any lions here… Or are there? Soon I see what (2) ___________ (make) the noise: a howler monkey. Now I feel less worried. Realising that something (3) ___________ (move) on my shoulder, I turn my head to look at it. Oh no! It’s a giant spider! I brush it off and it runs under some leaves. I try to bat away the huge insects, which (4) ___________ (fly) around my head in a black cloud for quite a while.

I pull off the headset and I’m back in my living room. Thank goodness! I (5) ___________ (give) the latest virtual reality headset and, for the last twenty minutes, I (6) ___________ (use) it to explore the Amazon. This is an amazing experience and a reminder of how many species there are in the rain forest. We must do all we can to protect it.

3.Look at the charts and make sentences using the present perfect continuous tense.

4.Work in pairs. Talk about how the environment where you live has changed. Use the present perfect continuous tense where appropriate.


1(1), (3)

2 They are different in form and meaning. For sentence (a) the form is "have been doing", while for sentence (b) the form is "have done”. In meaning, the bold part in sentence (a) means the action is continuous from the past; while the bold part in sentence (b) means the action happened once in the past.


1 have been hearing

2 has been making

3 is moving

4 have been flying

5 have been given

6 have been using


1 The number of trees has been increasing in the last 20 years.

2 Desert areas have been reducing in the last 20 years.

3 Butterfly population has been increasing / has been becoming larger and larger in the last 20 years.


Discover useful structures:

1. Look at the sentence in the present perfect continuous tense. Find more examples from the previous text and discuss the function of the tense.

EXAMPLE This is the adventure that I have been dreaming of.

2. Read each situation and rewrite each sentence using the present perfect continuous tense.

1 The dog started to bark about two hours ago. I really hope it will stop soon.

The dog has been barking for about two hours. I really hope it will stop soon.

2 Steve started to play rugby at the age of eight. Now he has become a professional player.

3 Timmy is holding a table tennis bat and his short hair is damp with sweat. He looks a little tired after playing table tennis for two hours.

4 Diane hasn't got much sleep this week. She looks terrible today.

5I tried to phone you this morning. I must have tried a dozen times before I caught you here.

3.Complete the sentences below using the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets. Then explain your reasons to your partner.

1For the whole morning, the board of directors___________(discuss) the resolution to increase wages in the coming year.

2Jason's only recreation is painting. He___________ (learn) how to paint for over five years.

3Even though we lost the game, we should be proud of ourselves because we___________ (try) our best and___________ (work) as a team.

4He finally___________ (finish) the research paper under his tutor's guidance.

5My nephew Sam___________ (collect) comic books since he was five. Now he has more than two hundred of them.

6 The company___________ (launch) an advertising campaign to promote its corporate

4.Work in pairs. Interview your partner about the things that he/she has been doing. The following questions might help you.

• Do you have any hobbies or interests?

• How long have you been learning/playing ...?

• What have you been doing recently?


Using Structures

1.Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1 I _____________(think) about what you said…and I think you’re probably right.

2. We_____________(try) to arrange an interview with the presidential candidate for days, but we_____________ (not receive) their response yet.

3. I guess that you_____________ (use)the computer a lot recently. You should rest your eyes more often.

4. I'm sorry the meeting_____________ (delay). _____________ you_____________ (wait) a long time?

5._____________ you_____________ (iron) the shirt? It is still damp.

6. The oven in her kitchen_____________ (give) off a sweet smell. Do you know what she is cooking?

2. Complete the conversations below using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then explain your choices.

1. A: George, _____________ you_____________(see) Martin recently?

B: No, but I_____________ (call) him last week. He said he was busy.

A: What_____________ he _____________ (do)these days?

B: I think he_____________ (do) some experiments. He has to finish a paper before the end of this month.

2. A: How long_____________ you_____________ (play) for this team?

B: For two months.

A: How long_____________you_____________ (play) rugby?

B: Since I was eight years old.

3. A: Jane, come and see what I_____________ (find).

B: What's so surprising?

A: Well. I_____________ (look) through some old photos and I_____________ (find) this one of you and me.

B: Oh, my goodness. This photo_____________ (take) on the day when we_____________ (enter) university. That was

15 years ago.

3. Read the advertisement below and then write a letter to apply for the job. The expressions below may help you.


We are looking for cycling partners to join us for a trip to Zhangjiajie, and we are looking for people who are positive, full of vigor, and highly disciplined, preferably with a strong passion or interest for photography, painting, or writing. Guesthouses and camping along the way.

• I would like to

• I'm interested in

• I think I am a good candidate for your…

• I have been learning/practising/... since…/for…

• I also have ... years' experience as ... in

• I'm looking forward to hearing from you.



1. Page 38 The last but one line: "…we have been managing to survive …"; Page 39 Line 2: "We have been struggling for days ..

2.2. Steve has been playing rugby since the age of eight. Now he has become a professional player.

3.Timmy is holding a table tennis bat and his short hair is damp with sweat. He looks a little tired because he has been playing table tennis for two hours.

4. Diane hasn't been sleeping well this week. She looks terrible today.

5. I have been trying to phone you this morning. I must have tried a dozen times before I caught you here.

3. 1. has been discussing 2.has been learning 3.tried, worked 4.finished 5.has been collecting 6.is launching/has launched/launched

4.A: Do you have any hobbies?

B: Sure. I have several hobbies such as table tennis, photography, and kite flying. But my favourite hobby is playing the guitar.

A: How long have you been learning the guitar?

B: I have been learning the guitar since I was eight years old. I saw a video of someone playing and I fell in love with it.

A: That's great.


1.1.thought/have thought/have been thinking

2.have tried/have been trying, haven't/ have not received

3.have used/have been using

4.was delayed/has been delayed, Have ... been waiting (for)

5.Have ... ironed 6.is giving/has been giving

2.1.have ... seen, called, is ... doing/ has ... been doing, is doing/has been doing

2.have ... played/have ... been playing, have ... played/have ... been playing

3.have found, was looking/have been looking, found, was taken, entered

3.Dear Carol,

I would like to apply to be a cycling partner. I think I am a good candidate for your trip, because I am not only very interested in photography and writing, but also cycling and travel. I have been practising photography since I was young. I also have two years9 experience working in a cycle shop, which has taught me discipline and positivity. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua


Step 3 Language Focus

An imperative sentence is used to give advice, instructions or invitations. It can also express a request or command. An imperative sentence tells people what to do or what not to do.

● Study in a quiet place. ● Bring everything you need, nothing you don’t.

An imperative sentence typically begins with the base form of a verb and ends with a period

or an exclamation point. However, it can also end with a question mark in some instances.

●Please be quiet. ● Go away! ● Please open the door, would you?

An imperative sentence may seem to be missing a subject. Sometimes, the subject is given

to make it much clearer who is spoken to, by adding a person’s name to the beginning or

ending of some imperative sentences.

● Sally, please don’t give the dog popcorn. ● Please sit down, Sam!

Imperative sentences can take several forms in everyday speech and writing. A few of the

most common uses include:

Task Two Sharing How to Learn English Effectively

In this task, you will read a short passage about an English-language learning experience.Then you will recall and reflect on your own experience. Tell your classmates how you study English effectively.

Step 1 Pre-task Resources

Read the passage and pay attention to the function of the words in blue.

Keep a Diary in English

I have an English teacher from Canada. Her name is Laura and she has been teachingme English for almost two years. From the very beginning, she has been askingus to keep a diary in English. Laura tells us that we can write anything we like and that it doesn’t have to be personal. She says that we can write about weather, what we have for dinner or what we plan for the day. She insiststhat we write something in English every day. I have been keeping an English diary since then. Writing in English every day really helps. It helps me to work on English word spelling, sentence structureand grammar. And I’m very lucky that Laura has been readingmy work, checkingit overand correctingmy errors. This helps me to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.

Step 2 Exploring the Language

Here are some sentences from the passage in Step 1. Examine the sentence structure. Do you find anything in common?

The present perfect continuous is made up of two elements: the present perfect of the verb “be” (have/has been), and the present participle of the main verb (v-ing).

The present perfect continuous is used to refer to an act that has started sometime recently, is still going on and especially may go on in the future. The speaker is more interested in the process than the result. However, some verbs, such as know, hate, hear, understand, are seldom used in the present perfect continuous tense.

Step 3 Task Cycle

■ Discuss with your classmates your way of learning English. Share with them how you learn vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, or how you develop language skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing.

■ Write briefly about your own best way of learning English. Practice using the present perfect continuous in your writing.

■ Present your passage in your group and learn how your classmates effectively learn English.


distraction /dɪ'strækʃən/n. 分散注意力的事;使人分心的事6



ideal /aɪ'diəl/adj.理想的;最合适的6


purse /pɜːs/n. 钱包;皮夹子6

bay /beɪ/n.海湾;停车位6


sink/sɪŋk/n. 洗涤池v.下沉:坐下;下降6

session/'sɛʃən/n. 学年:会议;一场6

forth /fɔrθ/adv.向前;向某处6

outline /'aʊtlaɪn/v.概述;略述n.概述;梗概6


insist /ɪn'sɪst/v.坚决要求;坚持9

structure /'strʌktʃə/n.结构;建筑物9


B Grammar activity

The present perfect continuous

The form of the present perfect continuous is have / has been + verb-ing.

It has been rainingall day long. The little pond in the garden m flowing over.

→Grammar reference 4(p.91)

1 Read the passage. Study the numbered verb structures. Number 12 is an example of the present perfect continuous. Work in pairs and complete the following tasks.

Craig Kielburger 1 was reading a newspaper when he 2 came across an article that would change his life. The story was about Iqbal, a Pakistanf① child, whose parents 3 had sold him into forced labour. Eventually, Iqbal 4 escaped and joined an organization that fought for children's rights. As a small child, he 5 had worked twelve-hour days on handmade carpets and blankets, so he6 knew the hardships suffered by child workers. When Craig read this shocking news story, he 7 felt he 8 needed to do something. That's why he 9 founded Free the Children together with some classmates. Twelve years later, he also 10 created We Day together with his brother Marc. Every year, We Day 11 organizes special six-hour events or parties around the country. Recently, 12 it’s been growing in popularity — it has 3.3 million followers on social media. One volunteer said that it is not hard to find young people who want to make a contribution: “ 13 I’ve always believed there are plenty of hard-working, selfless teens out there.” In fact, since We Day began in 2007, school children 14 have given over 6 million hours of service. Charities like We Day 15 are turning “me” into “we”one click at a time.

(1)Classify verb structures 1 -15 into groups. Put the numbers in the corresponding blanks.

(2)Discuss the differences between the present perfect continuous and the other verb structures. Form a rule for how to use the present perfect continuous.

We use the present perfect continuous to__________________________________________________

2Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

A voice for the voiceless

Thirteen-year-old Kesz Valdez 1 __________(smile) as he receives his award. Today is a big day as he 2 __________ (just / win) the International Children’s Peace Prize for helping street children in the Philippines. However, life 3 __________(always / not be) kind to Kesz. When he was just two years old, his father 4 __________(force) him to work in the city dump. Life was so bad that when he was four, he 5 __________(run away) from home and began living in the streets. Then, a few years later, an accident happened. While he 6 __________ (look for) food in a rubbish dump one night, he 7 __________ (fall) into some burning rubbish and severely injured his aim.

Things couldn't get any worse for Kesz, but fortunately, his luck started to change. A community worker called Harnln Manalaysay 8 __________(take) him in, 9 __________(lock after) him and treated his wounds. Kesz 10 __________ (never / know) such kindness before, and the experience changed his life.

He wanted to help other street children in the same way, so, with his guardian's help, Kesz 11 __________ (found) an organization called Championing Community Children. Kesz and his friends 12 __________(visit) poor communities to talk to children about their rights for eight years now. They 13 __________(give out) “Hope Gifts” to more than 5,000 children, which include hygiene products, clothing and toys. Since 2006, Kesz 14 __________(become) a new voice for the voiceless. “1 want children in the streets to get the same chance I had,” he says. “My belief is: we can change the world one heart at a time.”

3 Work in groups. Think of three things that you (or your family or friends) began doing a long time ago and are still doing now. Write them on the lines below. You may use the examples below to help you.

I have been fogging every week for one and a half years.

My brother has been practising rock climbing for two years.


Now ask the other group members about their answers. Select some interesting ones and report to the class.

nYou may ask questions like this:What have you been doing for a long time?

nYou may respond like this:I have been reading an English novel for two weeks.

nYou may report like this:My group members have been doing some interesting things. For example, Li Ming has been learning how to make bows and arrows for two years.

Word list

pond/pɒnd/n.a small area of still water, especially one that is artificial池塘;水池(尤指人工的)

labour/'leɪbə(r)/ n.work, especially physical work劳动; (尤指)体力劳动

carpet/'ka:pɪt/ n.a thick woven material made of wool etc. for covering floors or stairs地毯

blanket/'blænkɪt/ n.a large cover, often made of wool, used especially on beds to keep people warm毯子;毛毯

classify/'klæsɪfaɪ/ v.to arrange something in groups according to their common features分类

to decide which type or group somebody / something belongs to划分

corresponding/ˌkɒrə'spɒndɪŋ/ adj.matching or connected with something that you have just mentioned符合的;相应的;相关的

severely/sɪ'vɪəli/ adv.extremely badly or seriously非常产重地

belief/bɪ'li:f/ n.a strong feeling that something 1 somebody exists or is true; confidence that something/somebody is good or right相信;信心

bow/bəʊ/ n. a weapon used for shooting arrows, consisting of a long curved piece of wood or metal with a tight string joining its ends弓

arrow/'ærəʊ/ n. a thin stick with a sharp point at one end, which is shot from a bow箭


Grammar Link The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Understanding the meaning

Read the following message sent by Robin to his good friend, Jimmy, paying special attention to the coloured parts.

Discovering the rule

Study the following example to understand what the present perfect continuous tense means. Then share your understanding in pairs.

2. Read more examples and complete the below table. Then check your ideas in groups.




1)Bob has been writing his report forthreehours.Heisstillwritingitnow.2)Ihavebeenteachingsince2000.Istillworkasateachernow.

startedinthepast→continued until now→ mayin thefuture

together with adverbs oftimesuch as“”and“”.

1)Look at her eyes. I am sure she hasbeencrying.2)They are so tired because they havebeenplayingbasketballthewholemorning.

startedin the past→continueduntil now→finished now

together with a certainresult

Basic form:

Applying the rule

(1)Ask questions by following the example, using the present perfect continuous tense.


You see a little boy. His eyes are red and watery. (cry)

Why have you been crying?

1)You have just arrived to meet your friend who is waiting for you. (wait long)

2)Your friend comes in. His face and hands are very dirty. (do)

3)You see Bob and Bill wearing sweatshirts and carrying tennis rackets. (play tennis)

4)Your friend has just come back from the beach. He is suntanned. (lie in the sun)

5)You see two girls carrying bags and packages in a well-known department store. (shop)

(2) Read the following thank-you note and correct six mistakes in the use of the present perfect continuous tense. The first mistake has already been corrected as an example.

Dear Uncle Joe,

Thank you so much for the basketball. My brother Tom and

I have beenplayfor a whole day. So far, I have been winning. I playing

really like playing basketball. My father been trying to join us these

days, because he wants to keep fit. Some of my friends were playing ball games for months now. Jack and Tom enjoy football. They’s

been asking me to play with them. But I am been having too much

fun with my basketball. How have you been? I’ve been thought

about you a lot. I hope you can come to visit us soon.



(3) Make up a story based on the pictures below by using both the present perfect tense and the present perfect continuous tense.


让课堂充满美学:电影隐入尘烟和小说No place to...的多模态融合教学




