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【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】首钢园元宇宙体验中心“解锁”国庆假期新玩法……

元宇宙 2022年10月13日 07:19 119 Connor


During the National Day holiday, a Metaverse Technology Experience Center located in Hall 10 of Shougang Park opened for trial operation. It attracted thousands of visitors every day as a new place for holiday leisure and family fun. The Metaverse Game Hall and 3D Digital Art Hall are open to the public free of charge during the trial operation. The Metaverse Game Hall is a large interactive space for computer games using VR/AR, motion capture, 3D modeling, real-time rendering, virtual human and other technologies.




During the National Day holiday, outdoor markets in popular business districts attract a large number of visitors. In Blue Harbor, Qianmen Street, Sanlitun and other places in Beijing, vinyl records, fabric handicrafts, sculptures, cocktails and coffee are among the popular items on street stalls and art fairs.



The number of social organizations supporting people with disabilities in Beijing has grown from 45 in 2012 to 281 this year. The various organizations offer services such as rehabilitation, nursing, employment, mental health, integrated education, culture and sport, to over 100,000 visitors. Social organizations have become an important element helping people with disabilities.




The fourth embassy area in Beijing is currently under construction and will feature a vibrant waterfront space beside the Bahe River. The project includes a hydrophilic square, which can be used as a cruise dock in the future. A comprehensive service station will include public toilets, showers, information services and rest area. The waterfront space will improve the environment of the fourth embassy area and add a beautiful public space in the northeast part of the capital.



On October 5 and 6, a fashion and culture performance combining music, dance and a fashion show was held by the beautiful Liangma River. Designs by China's top ten designers and outstanding students of Beijing Institute of Fashion Design were on display, combining traditional oriental styles with latest fashion trends.




Recently, a waterfront space improvement project was started near the southwest section of the Second Ring Road in Beijing. Along the 28.5 km waterside walkway from the south gate of the Summer Palace to the starting point of Tonghui River in Dongbianmen, stairs will be added for people to access riverside walkway. At the same time, the greening on both sides of the river will be improved and convenient facilities will be added, making it more convenient for residents to relax there. The project is scheduled to be completed in March 2024. By then, the environment of the water system near the Southwest section of the Second Ring Road will be better connected and more accessible.



来源:北京日报 北京青年报

《感受北京 Touch Beijing》


重播19:30-21:00 次日7:00-8:30 12:30-14:00

标签: 首钢 玩法 双语 国庆 宇宙


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