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元宇宙app官方版下载 2022年10月04日 08:12 105 Connor

Please scroll down for the English version - UNNC academic participates as lead author of IPBES Nexus assessment .












从宁诺学子到宁诺硕博导师 ,谢博士始终躬行实践、笃志力行,以不同的身份坚守着促进绿色发展的初心。谢博士表示: “我希望能把知识和经验分享给更多的宁诺学子,激发他们的潜能、与他们共同进步,鼓励他们为解决全球性的环境和社会问题做出贡献。”




IPBES是联合国环境规划署建立的一个政府间组织,涵盖近 140 个成员国。它之于生物多样性的地位,相当于联合国气候变化政府间专家委员会之于气候变化领域的地位。


UNNC academic participates as lead author of IPBES Nexus assessment

Recently, Dr Xie Linjun, Assistant Professor of the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), was invited by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) to participate as a lead author in the thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (Nexus assessment), providing insights for informing policy development and practical actions.

Dr Xie Linjun has long been committed to the research of urban sustainability transitions and the implication on human society and the local and global environment. Her scientific research achievements have been recognised widely by the international community. In 2017, Xie Linjun, who was still a PhD student in UNNC at the time, was awarded the “Green Talents” award by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for her participation in the international cooperation research project “Smart Eco-Cities for Promoting Green Economy: A China-Europe comparative study”. She was the youngest of the 25 awardees.

In 2020, she led the study proposing an analytical framework for understanding cities’ contribution to biodiversity, which has been cited in an Opinion adopted by the European Committee of the Regions. In 2021, she was invited to write a briefing on promoting nature-based solutions for addressing climate challenges for the COP26 briefing series of the British Academy. In the same year, Dr Xie was interviewed by the world-renowned scientific journal Nature magazine, and provided insights and suggestions for urban ecological protection and sustainable development.

As one of the three invited Chinese experts, Dr Xie will work with more than 150 experts and academics from over 50 countries around the world to examine the interlinkages among the sustainable development goals related to food and water security, health for all, protecting biodiversity, and combating climate change.

Dr Xie said, “China is the host of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity and plays an important role in promoting the development of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. I hope that my research will not only contribute to the realisation of China's biodiversity goals and the construction of ecological and livable cities, but will also contribute to the global sustainable development process to achieve the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and all life on earth.”

Professor Patrick Chau, Vice Provost for Research and Knowledge Exchange at UNNC, congratulated Dr Xie on being invited to participate in the significant international programme. He said, “the University of Nottingham Ningbo China is very proud to have talented academics like Dr Xie. We have always attached great importance to scientific research, and set a benchmark for the internationalisation of high-level scientific research. The university will continue to provide academics with a platform in order to support their research and encourage cooperation with experts from around the world. Their results not only influence public decision-making, but also have the power to solve global issues and improve lives.”

At present, experts from various countries, including Dr Xie, are working together to write the Nexus assessment report which is expected to be released in 2024.

IPBES is an independent intergovernmental body established by States to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development. It currently has nearly 140 member states, serving a similar role to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). China officially joined IPBES in December 2012.

文字来源 | Patrick Cai, Liam Morgan

图片来源 | 谢林君







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标签: 国三 受邀 多样性 撰写 学者


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